Reconciliation (also known as Confession) provides the penitent with an opportunity of speaking heart to heart with a priest of the Church of the disappointments and failings that are part of all our lives, but take on a particular form in the life of each person.
It provides the minister with an occasion to once more present to God’s faithful, ‘Christ as mysterium pietatis, the one in whom God shows us his compassionate hear and reconciles us fully with himself.’ (John Paul II, Novo Millennio Inuente, 37.)
This Sacrament is a primary means of building up the Church and strengthening her faith. It provides the members of the Church with a fresh experience of being the beloved of God and can give them a deeper appreciation of their baptismal vocation to be ministers of the Gospel of Christ.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation ("Confession") is available at St Augustine's Abbey, Chilworth for individuals in person, by appointment only;
please send us a message here
if you would like to arrange this.