Ask the monks to pray for you

Prayer and Mass Requests

The Benedictine monks at St Augustine's Abbey, Chilworth are very happy to offer prayer petitions and Mass for those requesting this.

If you ask the monks to pray for you or your intentions (this is mostly done via our website), this is what happens:

Firtly, please be assured that your message has been received. We happily receive very many requests from all over the world and pray as you ask for each and every one, however sadly we are unable to acknowledge or reply by email or otherwise to them. 

So, Fr Abbot checks the website every morning for any new requests for prayer. He prints and then reads them during our daily meeting after Mass called a 'Chapter Meeting'.

All the brethren then include the requests in their personal prayer and meditation during the day.

At our evening community prayer, called 'Vespers', in the Church, the requests are again laid before God during the intercessions which conclude the prayer.

How does this prayer work?

Asking God our Father for our needs is what Jesus does now in the sanctuary of heaven. Jesus always makes intercession for us. So teaches the Letter to the Hebrews. The Holy Spirit also intercedes, 'with sighs too deep for words'.

As monks, we follow this example of intercession in our own Sanctuary in Chilworth, which the Father hears, as he does
 Jesus and the Spirit.

We believe in God's mercy. Therefore, we ask, not least because we are members of Jesus' body, the Church, spread now worldwide.

St Paul tells us to pray for others as well as ourselves, even enemies. The Church's intercessions knows no boundaries, 
so ask what you will!

You can also request a Mass to be said. It is possible to ask for Mass on a particular day and we will do our best to do this, although it is not always possible. 

Request a Prayer

The Benedictine monks at St Augustine's Abbey, Chilworth are pleased to offer your prayer petitions during our weekly Mass offerings. Please complete the request below and we will include the petition at the next arranged Mass. 

A donation of £10 or more is welcome from those able to pay but is in no way obligatory. We are very happy to do this regardless. 

With regret, we are unable to acknowledge or reply individually to your request.
Submit your Prayer Request Please donate here

Arrange a Mass 

If you would like to have a Mass said for a friend or loved one, we are very happy to do this. 

Please submit your request below and we will add it to our list of Mass intentions and arrange this at the next available opportunity or on the date you ask for (or as close to it as possible). We celebrate Mass 365 days of the year.

A donation of £10 or more is asked for. Thank you. 

With regret, we are unable to acknowledge or reply individually to your request.
Submit your Mass Request Please donate here
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