Join Chilworth's Roman Catholic Benedictine monks for Sunday 10am Mass, daily 9am Mass + daily Divine Office

Are you being called to become a Benedictine monk at St Augustine's Abbey, Chilworth?
Countdown finished!
Our MONASTIC GUEST HOUSE is NOW OPEN. Stay, pray and have a taste of monastic life Book a room

Welcome to St Augustine's Abbey, Chilworth
A living Roman Catholic Benedictine monastery near Guildford in southern England, United Kingdom, about an hour from London. 
Described by the BBC as a 'Prayer Powerhouse', we are an active community of contemplative monks lovingly living the Rule of St Benedict. We very much welcome and encourage new visitors, guests, pilgrims from The Pilgrims' Way as well as men thinking of becoming a monk; members of the public are welcome for daily Holy Mass & daily Divine Office. We don't run a parish.
*Christo omnino nihil praeponant - let them prefer nothing to the love of Christ


St Augustine's Abbey, Chilworth UK Roman Catholic Benedictine monastery
30 September 2021
Visit in person and join Chilworth's Catholic Benedictine monks in prayer, 365 days a year - members of the public and pilgrims of all faiths and none are always welcome to pray in this place, described by the BBC as a 'prayer powerhouse'. We are close to Guildford, Chilworth Railway Station and The Pilgrims' Way.


Our very latest news, events, activities and comment

Discover the wisdom of the Rule of St Benedict
2 March 2025
Read the Rule here: we warmly invite you to spend some time with the Rule of St Benedict.
1 March 2025
Members of the public are welcome, as always
Help us look after our church organ that enriches your prayer
26 February 2025
Every little helps. Thank you for your support. Donate here.
Flannery O'Connor: Catholicism Study Morning
24 February 2025
Join us on Saturday 22 March 2025, 10.30am-12.20pm (Mass is at 9am) at St Augustine's Abbey, Chilworth.....advance booking recommended.
Chilworth Abbey's Cultural Conversations: Mornings & Evenings of Enrichment
23 February 2025
Join our new series of cultural events at St Augustine's Abbey, Chilworth. Advance booking essential.
Prayerful organ music during Mass in March 2025
23 February 2025
Sunday Mass is at 10am, weekday Mass is at 9am. Join the monks in prayer.
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Music at St Augustine's Abbey: Chilworth's Benedictine monks often sing and pray in Gregorian Chant as monks have done for centuries

HELP sponsor a Benedictine monk.....


Please donate to OUTREACH LATIN AMERICA here

Chilworth's Benedictine monks are further developing links with countries in Spanish speaking Latin America in a bid to attract men interested in joining the Benedictine monastic life to experience this for up to six months or longer at the monastery of St Augustine's Abbey, Chilworth in the UK.

Without wanting to detract from vocations in more Catholic populated countries, Fr Abbot is considering ways in which the UK and countries in Latin America can all use the initiative to benefit from interest in new monastic vocations. If the trial is successful, consideration could be given to creating a Chilworth Benedictine Monastic Foundation in Latin America.  

This is nothing new for St Augustine's Abbey, Chilworth. The Abbey has been forging links with Spanish speaking America for almost ten years now with its first visitor from Chile staying with the monks in 2014. But efforts are now being stepped up.

What's more and back in the UK, whilst Guildford and surrounding areas are home to may Spanish speaking natives of North, Central and South America, there's a growing demand at Chilworth for Spanish speaking priests to help nurture the Catholic faith. The Abbey regularly holds a Spanish speaking Mass which is increasingly well attended.

In recent months, Fr Abbot, a fluent Spanish speaker, has interviewed a number candidates from South America and one is already in place for his temporary monastic experience at Chilworth as part of Religious Worker Visa in the UK. Candidates are also expected to use their time to improve their English.

In the meantime and, as always, men from the UK, Europe and closer to home are more than welcome to apply. The best way to do this is simple: come and stay in our monastic guesthouse for a few days and experience Benedictine monastic life without obligation.

Fr Abbot concludes: "We pray to the Lord for divine assistance."

Each monk costa around £4,000 for a six month stay to cover travel, food and other costs. Time spent by visitors in the monastery is unpaid.

All donations to help St Augustine's Abbey, Chilworth pay for a potential visit, Gift Aided if possible, can be made here

If you would like to contact Fr Abbot about the initiative or arrange your own fundraising event to support Outreach Latin America, please get in touch here
Please donate here


Póngase en contacto aqui si desea experimentar la vida monástica benedictina en Inglaterra.

New paragraph

 For your diary
Members of the public and pilgrims are always welcome to daily Mass, Divine Office and our events

Have coffee with the monks after every Sunday Mass - now available

Coffee with Chilworth's Benedictine monks is now available after Sunday 10am Mass. You are very welcome to join the monks and congregation for free coffee and biscuits in the Assisi Room at the rear of the monastery after every 10am Sunday Mass. 

Join us for our occasional Spanish speaking Mass

Ahora, tenemos una misa católica de habla española ocasional en la Abadía de San Agustín, Chilworth, Surrey GU4 8QR: Envíe un correo electrónico aqui para obtener más información. ¡Gracias!

Ecumenical lay meditation group - weekly (in person)


You are welcome IN PERSON to join the CHILWORTH ECUMENICAL CHRISTIAN MEDITATION GROUP, Wednesdays 7.30pm to 8.15pm (UK time) in the Assisi Room behind St Augustine's Abbey, Sample Oak Lane, Chilworth, Guildford GU4 8QR. 

A period of quiet meditation for all Christian denominations and none. No need to book. Typically, around ten or more lay people attend from all ages and backgrounds. Please email shac202@yahoo.com  if you have any questions.

There is also the opportunity for those attending in person to join the Abbey's Benedictine monks for the Divine Office of COMPLINE in the Abbey Church at 8.30pm to 8.50pm immediately afterwards. 

Catholicism's key players in history - study morning

Catholicism's key players in history - please join us.

A new Chilworth Abbey Study Morning is taking place once a month on a Saturday morning in 2024 at St Augustine's Abbey, Chilworth led by Fr John Seddon OSB. Please see our 'latest news' on our website for the dates. 

Join us online for Divine Mercy Hour 3-4pm

Father Thomas invites you to join the Divine Mercy group St Augustine's Abbey, Chilworth online at 3pm-4pm (UK time) every day of the week on Zoom 

"And let them first pray together, that so they may associate in Peace"

It is through prayer that St Benedict shows us how a community can be brought together and also grow together. Prayer is instrumental in our day to day lives as monks, and through prayer we develop and live happily as a community.

Our Benedictine life

Monastic Forum - your questions answered
29 June 2024
Delve a bit deeper into understanding monasticism......
The design of a Benedictine monk's habit explained
25 June 2024
The habit as a powerful way of communicating the values of a monk....
What sort of Mass takes place at St Augustine's Abbey, Chilworth?
by Fr John Seddon OSB 27 July 2023
Why we face East when celebrating Mass
Look within: become a Benedictine monk at St Augustine's Abbey, Chilworth?
19 March 2022
Explore your vocation; stay with us for a few days and experience monastic life at arm's length....
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Experience Monastic Life: Embrace St Benedict's Rule

PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR DIFFERENT WAYS TO DONATE and help us: the monks at St Augustine's Abbey, Chilworth live a community life of prayer, work and study. Any support is most gratefully appreciated. To add GIFT AID to your online donation, please click here. By using GIFT AID if you are a UK taxpayer, this adds 25% to the value of your donation (click here to download a Gift Aid form if using paper). If you would like to support us, you can kindly find different ways to donate here or buy from our online shop here or apply to volunteer to help us here. To see how our money is used, please see here. THANK YOU.

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