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Padre John Seddon OSB, monje benedictino

Teaching Christ wooden icon cross

SKU 00047
1 available
Product Details

'Teaching Christ' wooden icon cross.

Inspired by the 'Christ Pantocrator' in Saint Catherine's Monastery, Sinai, Egypt: 6th century, it depicts Christ holding a Bible, symbolising him as the Word of God who reveals the true, hidden God and teaches us how to share in his divine life. He is robed in red and blue, symbolising his humanity and divinity respectively. His right hand is raised in blessing. Surrounding him, to the left shows the moment in the Last Supper when Judas dips the morsel of bread which Jesus had given him, before leaving to betray him. To right shows Jesus Risen from the dead, releasing the dead from the Underworld and manifesting himself to the Holy Women. Below is the crucifixion. At the top are three scenes, Jesus washing his disciples feet, his Transfiguration and his Resurrection, when he appeared to Mary Magdalen.

This icon, so rich in significance, measures 17 cm x 12 cm with golden highlighting. 

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Abadía de San Agustín, Chilworth, Reino Unido TIENDA DE LA ABADÍA BENEDICTINA: elija entre 80 artículos religiosos, cremas para la piel con cera de abejas y regalos: realizamos envíos a todo el mundo


«Son entonces verdaderamente monjes aquellos que viven del trabajo de sus propias manos» Regla de San Benito, Capítulo 48

Desde la fundación de la Abadía de San Agustín en Ramsgate en 1856 y desde que nos mudamos a Chilworth en Surrey en 2011, los monjes benedictinos han buscado diversas formas de mantenerse.

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