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Padre John Seddon OSB, monje benedictino

Our Lady of Perpetual Succour - laminated wooden picture

SKU 00042
2 available
Product Details

Wooden laminated picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour. Succour means assistance and support in times of hardship and distress.

The picture shows the Christ Child and Our Lady both crowned. Jesus is clinging to His Mother's hand, as he sees a vision of two angels presenting to him the instruments of His future passion. One Angel holds the Cross and another holds the spear, scourge and sponge. His human distress is evident not only as he clasps his Mother's hand, but also by loosing one of His sandals, which He tries to restrain with His upturned foot. Our Lady is dressed in blue the colour of divinity and red the colour of blood, to symbolise her divine motherhood. Jesus wears green the colour of life and gold foreshadowing the glory of his Resurrection. While Jesus is perturbed by His future passion, Our Lady calmly looks at the viewer, inviting trust in Her help, as she comforts her Son. The ICXC is the Greek abbreviation for Jesus Christ, other abbreviations refer to Mary as Mother of God.

Measures approximately 30cm by 22cm.

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Our Lady of Perpetual Succour - laminated wooden picture

Abadía de San Agustín, Chilworth, Reino Unido TIENDA DE LA ABADÍA BENEDICTINA: elija entre 80 artículos religiosos, cremas para la piel con cera de abejas y regalos: realizamos envíos a todo el mundo


«Son entonces verdaderamente monjes aquellos que viven del trabajo de sus propias manos» Regla de San Benito, Capítulo 48

Desde la fundación de la Abadía de San Agustín en Ramsgate en 1856 y desde que nos mudamos a Chilworth en Surrey en 2011, los monjes benedictinos han buscado diversas formas de mantenerse.

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