Abadía de San Agustín, Chilworth, Reino Unido TIENDA DE LA ABADÍA BENEDICTINA: elija entre 80 artículos religiosos, cremas para la piel con cera de abejas y regalos: realizamos envíos a todo el mundo
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Padre John Seddon OSB, monje benedictino
This beautiful Glass Standing Celtic Cross incorporates its two traditional aspects which St Patrick used to evangelise Ireland. The Cross itself, but also circulated by the disc of the rising sun. This was, and is, an extremely effective instrument to convert the Celts who worshipped the sun, but St Patrick preached that Jesus and the power of his Cross transmitted, not merely natural life, as the sun did, but eternal life. Just as the sun rises every morning as if from the earth, so Jesus rose from death to bring immortality to all who believe in him. The Cross is also decorated with traditional Celtic designs.
It stands 7" and is ideally placed where the sun can bring out all its beauty.
Abadía de San Agustín, Chilworth, Reino Unido TIENDA DE LA ABADÍA BENEDICTINA: elija entre 80 artículos religiosos, cremas para la piel con cera de abejas y regalos: realizamos envíos a todo el mundo
Desde la fundación de la Abadía de San Agustín en Ramsgate en 1856 y desde que nos mudamos a Chilworth en Surrey en 2011, los monjes benedictinos han buscado diversas formas de mantenerse.